CO: Court upholds ruling to require teen who traded naked selfies with girls his age to register as a sex offender

[ – 6/28/19]

Colorado’s Supreme Court upheld a ruling last week that required a juvenile boy to register as a sex offender after sexting and trading erotic pictures with two girls roughly his age, a split decision that highlights states’ recent struggles with applying laws passed in a less tech-heavy age.

It began, according to the court’s decision, at a 2012 Future Farmers of America conference, where the 15-year-old met two girls, one 17 and the other 15. In the months that followed, both girls came to believe they were romantically involved with the boy.

Both girls testified that he texted them a photo of his erect penis and asked for a naked selfie in return. They eventually sent the photos after first resisting, the girls testified.

(Because they were juveniles, neither the boy nor the girls are named in court documents.)

Police discovered the photos when the boy was arrested on an unrelated charge and his phone was seized, court documents say.

After a bench trial, the judge ruled that the conduct had amounted to sexual exploitation of a child and sentenced the boy to spend two years on probation as a juvenile sex offender and register as a sex offender for at least 20 years, according to Reason magazine.

The lower court observed that the photos focused on the girls’ intimate parts and “suggested a sexual coyness.”

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The war on sex/ feelings! But it make the state money off the tax payers NO harm to anyone that the kids trade sex pics!! But oh my god that is a sin!!! Who the blank was hurt! Oh yea the cops was hurt by it! NO the asd cops made money off this BS!!! Welcome to cops who are crooks 101

Stupidest thing I have ever read. I’m not blaming the judge for applying the law just the law itself. In its eyes they’re all just monkeys raping each other.

This is Infuriating BEYOND belief.

SHAME on America’s Laws. Yes, even IRAN has more common sense it seems.

So the 15 year old boy was punished, the older girl was not, nor was the girl his age punished for PRODUCING and SHARING child pornography of herself.

This can’t even be blamed on police as a, “Well don’t they have Real Crime to solve?”, because it’s the Idiotic politicians that make up these stupid laws to begin with. The Masses aren’t asking for them!

Who’s responsible for this insanity Only In America? Is it people with Puritanical beliefs, or is it the politicians that are making a name for themselves by DESTROYING people’s lives and their families?

The only glimmer of hope is that the court was Split with the decision. Forty, half of the people in power there still have their brains intact as rational Adults and Human Beings. BRAVO.

Amy Hasinoff,
Another very stupid ” intellectual ” who helped craft the law. I’d be curious about her
Political persuasion. She also passed the emotional buck onto the court ” inability to differentiate between ….” Is this professor feeling some guilt for having impacted the young man’s life,. I sure hope so and her statement may reflect it.

this Professor needs to have her covers pulled and called out! Who was she to be crafting laws anyway? A state rep? A state senator? NOPE a stupid Do gooder intellectual with her head up her ass.
Shitake award nominee this ditz, better email Derek L and get her on the ballot.

Welp… Another life ruined. Glad everyone there can sleep easy tonight. Sweet Dreams

I just made my 14-year old son and 13-year old daughter read this story. Both were like, “D#mn.” They saw what I went through for 10-years on the registry, and have had some experiences of late touching this subject. I have vehemently discouraged this type of behavior on their social media access. I think they both walked away with a measure of understanding that they likely will get caught, and it is not worth it.

I hope the CO CCoA ruling,, comes back to haunt this ruling. 20 years is a lifetime for a minor (leaving the adult side of the discussion aside for the moment) and should be seen in the same vein IMO should the court get this again from another angle.

I agree the two girls should have been charged too because they were on the other side and could have blocked him if this was an issue; thus, they willingly provided the images despite his many requests. Could folks see that as victim shaming? Sure, but since they are all minors, none of the three could consent to this reasonably anyway because lack of a fully developed brain in their heads.

So the girls don’t get charged because? And they use the argument that they have to go by the laws at the time the crime was committed yet when it comes to relief from the registry they go with current laws? Complete craziness. There is no liberty or justice in America anymore.

According to a 2018 study cited by the court, “approximately one in four teenagers has received a ‘sext,’ and approximately one in seven has sent one.”. Approximately, 26 million U S.
youth are between 13-18 years of age, so approx. 7.5 million have “sexted”. Okay, law enforcement, get to it!! Arrest them, prosecute them, destroy their lives and take away their futures!